HAPPY Independence Day 2025 is celebrated on August 15 each year in our country. And it is the national holiday of our country. On this day, the Indian Prime Minister hoists the flag at the Red Fort in Delhi. The flag is hoisted in all schools, banks, offices and government offices in our country. August 15th 1947 On this day our country gained independence from the British Empire and the largest democratic country in the world was formed, it cannot be denied that it was difficult to liberate India from the British Empire, but our country’s independent soldiers and fighters have made the impossible work possible. His sacrifice, satyagraha and his movement still remember the country and will always be remembered. This year India’s Independence Day 2025 ceremonies have taken on a pattern that has been accompanied for decades. High Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the flag over the Red Castle just because the u. S. The most effective first of A., jawaharlal nehru, did so on August 15, 1947. It was followed by the speech of the high minister, presented from the ramparts of the exceptional castle of the Mughal generation, the song the national anthem and a 21-gun Salute commemorating the freedom fighters of the United States. By the way, each person has their own definition of freedom. Each country has a different Sanskrit for its independence. And the struggle behind each country’s freedom has a different story, but did you know that with India and which countries are celebrating independence day on that day, please let us know-