100+ Cool Status, Captions and Short Quotes

100+ Cool Status, Captions and Short Quotes

Cool Status & Captions: A cool status on your Whatsapp and Facebook profile either a cool caption tied with your photos on Instagram will always go crazy. Make some fun by sharing this cool status, captions and cool quotes which will make your post go viral and get more like or comments. All of these cool statuses are too cool and easy fit on your cell as social media status, photo captions and text messages also. Now get the cool taste of these coolest status updates. Share this cool status with your desired one and bring a cute smile on their beautiful face.

Cool Status

Who cares, I’m awesome.

Hi I’m James, let’s bond.

I’m a smart person, I just do stupid things.

Don’t be a slave in heaven. Be a king of hell.

Love me or hate me but you will never change me.

I’m an odd combination of “Really Sweet” and “Don’t mess with me”

I’m the dude with cool attitude!

Born to express not to impress.

Nothing is illegal…Until you get caught.

Friends are like boobs… Some are real some are fake.

Give and take is fair play.

There is a great need of a sarcasm font.

If something’s not going right, try left.

Silent people have the loudest minds.

I may be fat, but you’re ugly – I can lose weight!

A big shout out to ATM fees for making me buy my own money!

It’s complicated” relationship status = someone cheated but we signed a lease.

Explore More : 111 Cool Whatsapp Status

When I was born. The devil said, ‘Oh Shit! Competition!’

Everyone is normal until you find them on Twitter.

If winning is not everything why do they keep score?

Cool Captions

Don’t follow your dreams, follow me.

Hustle until your haters ask if you’re hiring.

You’re like a coin. Awwww, valuable? Nope, two-faced!

Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress.

When life gives you LEMONS, make ORANGE JUICE and make them wonder how you did it.

I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.

Being faithful to your boyfriend or girlfriend should be common sense.

If you can’t get a lawyer who knows the law, get one who knows the judge.

Nothing is more dangerous than a woman “gathering her thoughts.”

Has discovered the secret to life, but I won’t tell you, because it’s a secret.

I love to give homemade gifts. Which one of my kids do you want?

Struggling to get your wife’s attention?…..just sit down and look comfortable.

A lie is just a great story ruined by truth.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

In victory, you deserve Champagne. In defeat you need it.

I’m an excellent housekeeper. Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house.

If you have a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: Take two, and KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.

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The statement ‘Hey! Calm down!’ has zero to no success rate of getting someone to calm down!

I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing.

Death is life’s way of telling you that you’ve been fired. Suicide is your way to tell life, “you can’t fire me, I Quit!

Cool Status for Boys

Boys will be boys.

Do not give advice unless you are asked to.

I’m king of the town you can take a look around.

I know who I am, you have no need to explain.

I ain’t fuckin reserved..yo bitches get ready to serve.

Cool Captions for Instagram

Boys got swagger, men have style, but gentlemen have class.

My attitude is like a mirror, only reflects what’s presented in front of me.

Prove them wrong. Normal is Boring.

Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one.

People that aren’t used to quality always chase quantity

Don’t let someone dim your light, simply because it’s shining in their eyes.

Fuck everyone, it’s just you in the end.

I don’t have time to hate anyone. I either love you, or I don’t care at all.

Never trust a person with one only Facebook picture.

I look at people sometimes and think… Really??? That’s the sperm that won.

Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out of it alive.

Read More : Caption for Boys

The greatest thing about Facebook, is that you can quote something and totally make up the source. – George Washington

When I’m on my deathbed, I want my final words to be “I left one million dollars in the…….

U have 10 fish, 5 drown, 3 come back to life. How many fish do you have? Stop counting smart one. Fish cant Drown!

Cool Status for Girls

Wakeup and Makeup.

Once a queen, always a queen.

Whatever boys can do, girls can do better.

What she tackles she conquers.

Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.

Girly and flirty to edgy and chic.

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.

I’m no beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me.

Little girl with dreams become a woman with a vision.

As if I’m on fire from within, the Moon lives in the lining of my skin.

Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring so I go back to being me.

Be such a good soul that people crave your vibes.

If life gives you lemons, squirt them in your enemy’s eye…

Silence is better than bullshit.

The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.

We live in an era of smart people and stupid people.

Just saw the smartest person when I was in front of the mirror.

May You Need : Caption for Girls

A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

I wish Google Maps had an “Avoid Ghetto” routing option.

I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

Hope you find the cool status list enjoyable and ready to share with your friends and loved ones. For sure they will be happy seeing these kinds of cool status on your social profile or receiving these cool text messages from you, best of luck!

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