Ramadan Preparations 2025 CHECK LIST

Ramadan Preparations 2021 CHECK LIST

Ramadan is at hand now! Have you done your Ramadan Preparations for 2025? If you are not getting any ideas to prepare for Ramadan, we are here to serve you! This is the most awaited and most precious month of the Islamic calendar which brings Allah’s blessings and mercy for Muslims. That’s the reason everyone tries to increase their share of blessings, mercy and to attain forgiveness by preparing in Advance for Ramadan Kareem.

The companions of Prophet (SAW) were habitual to prepare for Ramadan before 6 months of its arrival to make most out of the months. So, each Muslim should do preparations as we know that fasting covers a lot more than just abstaining from food. We have to avoid indecent talks, and control the lustful desires and turn ourselves towards God by offering our prayers regularly, reciting the Quran and by being patient to Allah’s creatures. This is the way we can change our lives in Ramadan and after Ramadan.Let’s jump to some amazing tips for Ramadan Preparations that will help you amazingly to fully benefit from Ramadan Blessings.

Make good intentions for Ramadan

Our actions depend upon the intentions that we made for them. So, the first thing to do preparations of the blessed month is to have good and right intentions. Make the intention of making out most of the Ramadan and this intention will leads you to gain the maximum from Ramadan to enjoy its blessings. On the other hand, if you don’t make any type of intention to spend the holy month then you are going to avail nothing and people find excuses even in the situations of ease. If you are going to be like the people who don’t make good intention and just want to go through the month without any plans then Ramadan might be fruitless for you.

Offer Prayers Regularly

When Ramadan starts the number of people who come to the mosque to offer prayers with congregation increases day by day. People mostly find it difficult to go Masjid to offer congregational prayers at the start of Ramadan because they are not habitual to offer prayers regularly. That’s why start going to mosque beforehand to make sure that you could offer congregational prayers from the beginning of the month. By doing this you will be habitual to this and will not find it difficult to find and adjust the time for prayers. You can consult to professional in the mosque to correct you salaat so you can earn more Thawab by correcting your prayer.

Be habitual to Quran Recitation and Reflection upon its Verses

Quran recitation is best to earn more thawab and attain the mercy of God. Plan your time and must read Quran two times a day for at least half an hour each time. If you are intended to make the most out of Ramadan by reciting and reflecting Quran then start reciting it before Ramadan to know that how much you can read in a specific time and at which time of day or night you will recite Quran. So, when Ramadan will start you will already have a plan and estimation that when to read Quran and How much you will read in that time frame.Don’t forget to reflect upon the Quran to get closer with Allah Almighty and Prophet (PBUH) to make yourself righteous and to attain taqwa.

Eat Healthy Food and Adopt Good Eating Habits

We mostly don’t pay attention to our food and eating habits. But this thing leads us to terrible health problems. When Ramadan is just around the corner, we cannot afford any type of health issues. So, review your food habits and foods items to ensure your health in Ramadan as it is a precious time and you might lose it by engaging in health problem if you don’t adopt a healthy routine.People mostly overeat in Ramadan iftars which is too dangerous but as you fat your body requires enough amount of nutrition’s to work properly. Search for the food items and adopt a healthy diet to be healthy and work properly.

Be a Good Person by Refining your Character

Every person has good and bad aspects of his personality. So, this Ramadan must try to change the bad qualities into good ones. Be kind and generous to the people around you.The Prophet (SAW) said: “All the children of Adam constantly err, but the best of those who constantly err are those who constantly repent.” (Tirmidhi)Try to help needy people by giving charity and doing things that you could do for them. Believe me, if every person helps the other one this earth will become Jannah and by doing this Allah will reward us in this worlds as well as in the next world.Hope you would like these tips to have prosperous Ramadan by doing advance, Ramadan Preparations. Kindly let us know about your precious response.

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