Family Planning In Islam – 8 Allowed Birth Control Methods

can muslims use contraceptives

Contraceptive Methods in Islam. Contraception or birth control is the method that is to prevent a couple from having children or prevent pregnancy. Couples all over the world plan their families according to their ongoing circumstances. Some countries stress on this method to control the growing population of their country. In some cultures, birth control is not encouraged because they consider it to be religiously and morally unpleasant.

So we’ll talk today in detail about the types of contraceptive methods that Islamic scholars have allowed for Muslims and the reasons behind not allowing other methods.

Let’s start with a quick look at what the famous Islamic Zakir Naik has to say on the question that “Is family planning allowed in Islam?”

↓ 5 – Quran & Hadith On Family Planning

There does not exist any Quranic verse or hadith that directly talk about contraception or family planning. However, according to one tradition, the companions of the Prophet reported that they used to practice ‘azl, which is the interruption of intercourse to avoid ejaculation. The Prophet knew about this and he did not forbid them, which was considered by most as his permission/acceptance of the practice (Sahih Muslim Book 8 Hadith 3388). According to another tradition, he said regarding ‘azl: It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist.” – Sahih al-Bukhari Book 59 Hadith 459.

can muslims use contraceptives

↓ 4 – Contraception in Islam

Islam is the religion of wisdom and Peace. It touches each and every problem and matters that a Muslim has to face in his life. Islam doesn’t prohibit birth control and contraceptives as long as there’s a valid reason to take such a step and the method used is not causing any harm to the couple. Once the child is conceived, it is a sin to abort it unless there’s a threat to the life of the mother. Killing an unborn child due to the fear of poverty is a great sin in Islam and is also mentioned in the Quran. You should also have a look at these Beautiful Tips For Married Muslims.

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↓ 3 – Types of Contraception:

Irreversible or Permanent Contraception

Reversible or Temporary Contraception

IRREVERSIBLE CONTRACEPTION includes permanent contraceptive methods that destroy the ability to produce children for a lifetime. These methods are not performed by the specialist through the procedure of sterilization. It is can be performed on both male (Vasectomy) and females (Tubectomy.)

Islam doesn’t favor this type of contraception as it permanently destroys the ability to produce children and once it’s done, it can’t be reversed. This is strictly forbidden in Shari’ah. Islamic law has also negated castration as a man won’t be able to reproduce.

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As this irreversible contraception is forbidden, according to scholars, under some critical medical circumstances this can be done with the consultations of fuqaha due to absolute necessity.

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REVERSIBLE CONTRACEPTION includes those methods that are temporary and a person will be able to reproduce after a period of time. Islam under valid reasons allows birth control but without any necessity, practicing contraception is forbidden.

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Contraceptive methods should always be practiced with the consent of both spouses.

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↓ 2 – Reversible Contraceptive Methods Approved in Islam

1) Coitus interruptus/withdrawal method (῾azl)

The coitus Interruptus or withdrawal method is the pull-out method in which the male spouse has to pull out his reproductive organ before ejaculation.  This is also known as interrupting intercourse and was also practiced in the times of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

This contraceptive method is permissible in Islam as stated by scholars but it also requires mutual agreement between the spouses.

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2) The rhythm method

The rhythm method, also known as the calendar method, is that contraceptive technique in which the female spouse has to chart her mensural cycle to avoid intercourse on her days of ovulation. This is the least reliable method of birth control but can be used to avoid untimely pregnancies.

This method is also accepted in Islam and is not considered harmful for any of the spouses.

3) Barrier Method

The barrier method consists of male and female condoms that stop the procedure of fertilization by blocking the route of a sperm to reach the egg. The most accepted is the male condom which is made up of thin latex rubber and contains a lubricant and spermicide that help in destroying the sperm. This method is dependent on a male’s reproductive organs and is also permissible in Islam. Whereas a female condom, inserted into the female which also blocks the sperm’s path, is disliked and not permitted in Islam.

4) Contraceptive Pills
Contraceptive Pill is the oral contraceptive method and is taken daily to change the hormones inside a body to prevent the occurrence of fertilization. Hormones are the regulatory substances that control the functioning of an organism. Most of the pills contain a balance of estrogen and progesterone to stop the egg to release during monthly cycles that is ovulation. If a woman does not ovulate, she will not be able to conceive as there will be no egg to fertilize. Sometimes these pills thicken the mucus of cervix in order to make it almost impossible for a sperm to enter the uterus. These pills also stop the occurrence of fertilization by affecting the lining of the uterus to stop the egg from attaching itself to the wall.
This method is permissible in Islam provided there’s no harm to the health of a female spouse.

5) Contraceptive Injections

Contraceptive Injections are such injections that contain progestin similar to the natural progesterone that is produced in a woman’s ovaries. These injections are of two types; Depo-Provera which is given every three months to stop the occurrence of ovulation for twelve weeks. The other type is Noristerat which prevents fertilization for nearly eight weeks.
These injections are injected into the muscle and are accepted in Islam as well.

6) Implant

Contraceptive Implant is the method in which a small rod similar to the size of a matchstick is inserted under the skin of the upper arm. This rod releases progestogen hormone, similar to the natural progesterone, which helps in preventing the body to release an egg every month. It also affects the lining of the uterus and thickens the mucus of the cervix to prevent ovulation.
This method is permissible in Islam provided there’s no harm to the health of either spouse and both of them agree to this method of contraception.

7) Progestogen-only Pill (POP)

Progestogen-only pills are those pills that contain only progestogen hormone without any estrogen. It works as an inhibitor to prevent pregnancy from happening by affecting the lining of the womb or making the cervix mucus thick enough for the

8) Birth Control Patches

Contraceptive patches or birth control patches are very small square patches that one sticks to the skin to prevent pregnancy. This patch releases synthetic estrogen and progestogen into the bloodstream through the skin which prevents ovulation that stops the egg to be released. If there’s an egg that has been released is stopped by this contraceptive method to be attached to the wall of the uterus.
This method is also accepted in Islam and one should consult the doctor for any harmful side effects. We also recommend that you go through these Islamic Parenting Tips &  Quotes On How To Raise Children.

↓ 1 – Contraceptive Methods That Are Disliked in Islam

The methods of contraception which are highly disliked or unacceptable in Islam requires a device to be inserted through the private parts of a spouse is not liked in our religion. Such methods are as follows

The IUD is a T shaped device used to prevent pregnancy which is made up of copper and contains hormones. This device is inserted into one’s uterus by a specialist

The intrauterine system is also a T shaped device that is placed into the uterus of a woman that releases progestogen similar to the progesterone hormone released in the ovaries of a woman.

The diaphragm, made up of rubber, is a small dome-shaped cup placed on to cervix to prevent pregnancy. This bowl stops the sperm from entering the uterus.

  • The Contraceptive Vaginal Ring:  

This contraceptive ring is w flexible plastic ring inserted into the female through her private part which releases estrogen and progestogen into her bloodstream which prevents pregnancy.

All the methods stated above are forbidden and disliked in Islam. But in absolute necessity, the fuqaha should be consulted to go for such irreversible contraceptive methods.

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